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“Hippity Zippity,” Highlights High Five

In a lively poem, bunnies hop and jump, skip and zip. Winner of SCBWI Magazine Merit Award for Poetry.


The magazine editor’s note described this poem: “Ellen Ramsey, the author of 'Hippity-Zippity,' had fun making up words. She substituted different beginning and ending sounds to the word hop to create nonsense rhymes for the refrain of each verse. When you read the story aloud, I think you and your child will delight in the silly sounds and predictable rhythm of the refrains. Learning how to listen for and identify the individual sounds within words is an important early literacy skill. Stories like 'Hippity-Zippity' can help young children develop this skill.”

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“In the Barn,” Ladybug

In the corner of a barn, there are circles of fur—it’s a mother cat and her kittens!

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“Birds’ Feet: Multi-Purpose Tools,” Muse

Birds’ feet are amazing “tools”—useful for perching and paddling, gripping and climbing, hunting and eating, taking off and landing, scratching and grooming.

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“The Magic Paintbrush,” Spider

With a magic paintbrush, a young boy paints the things he loves for the people he loves.

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“The Beckoning Cat,” Highlights

A beckoning cat saves a boy’s life, and the boy rescues the cat.

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“Kirsten Fuller, Raptor Scientist,” Muse

A raptor scientist describes her work studying endangered species at the Grand Canyon, the migration of broad-winged hawks, and the nesting sites of Puerto Rican sharp-shinned hawks.

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“Stitching the Rip
in the Sky,” Highlights

A tailor and a princess devise an ingenious way to save a rain-drenched town.

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“Punxsutawney Phil’s Other Skills,” Fun for Kidz

A famous rodent with its own special day may not excel as a weather forecaster, but is expert at gnawing, clawing, whistling, and even climbing trees!

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“Three Cats and a Rat,” AppleSeeds

Which cat will succeed in dispatching an annoying rat--a proud Persian, an elegant Siamese, or an ordinary tabby cat?

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“Locked In” and “Can You Decipher This Message?”, Fun for Kidz

A story and a companion non-fiction article explore coding and decoding messages. Can you decipher this message?  (Hint: It is about what Ellen loves to do!)

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“Flying Squirrel,” Fun for Kidz

Flying squirrels stretch their “wings” and glide through the night sky.

© 2024 by Ellen L. Ramsey

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